A modern day hearing aid is marvel of modern technology. They are a far cry from the ear trumpets of the seventeenth century. They work with state of the art digital technology and even cosmetic wizardry if you need a custom fitting. A modern hearing aid manufactures a lot of gasps and awe. But a modern hearing aid also manufactures big money for the hearing aid manufacturer.
Why Do They Cost So Much?
I could go on for ages about why hearing aids cost so much money – usually well into the thousands of dollars. It would seem that something so necessary to the quality of life should be more reasonably priced. But this, sadly, is not the way of modern life. All businesses – even for hearing aids, manufactures money for their business.
This is endemic of the health care system in America today, where money means far more than helping anyone out. Senior citizens might be able to get a partial discount from Medicare for hearing aids, but this happens with less and less frequency. Hearing is not considered necessary to the quality of life to Medicare.
Another reason a hearing aid manufactures so much money for their makers is that they cannot usually be made on an assembly line. A lot of individual tweaking has to be done in order to get a pair that works for a specific wearer. This tweaking can be from the fitting of the hearing aid in the ear canal to adjusting the calibration to reduce unwanted noise and focus on wanted sound.
What Can You Do?
You don’t have to settle for paying an outrageous price for a needed hearing aid. If you have patience (and a little luck), you should be able to get the hearing aid you need at no to low cost. If you are an American Veteran, then you should be able to get a partial reimbursement for the Veteran's Administration. Be sure to check with Social Security as well for a partial reimbursement.
People also donate old hearing aids to charities much in the same way people donate used eyeglasses to people in need. These are then sterilized and distributed to those in need. They will not be tailored exactly to fit your ear, but you never know what you can get until you try. Charities that have a hearing aid distribution program include the Knights of Columbus, Sertoma, Hear Now and the Lion's Club.

A Hearing Aid Manufactures Big Money
Friday, May 2, 2008
Posted by Richard Bee at 12:01 AM
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I think they cost much because of its quality. And you can use it for a long time.
bte hearing aids high point nc
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